About us


Romanas Matulis, CEO
Aistė Litvinaitė-Jablonskienė, Facilitator, Project Portfolio Manager
Agnesta Filatovė, Chief Business Development Officer
Kristina Baltrušaitytė Kreivienė, International Project Manager
Rūta Kiaupaitė, Researcher
Kamilė Zakšauskaitė, Administrator


Povilas Lėckas, Chairman of the Board (represents Production service and Post-production Sector)
Agnesta Filatovė, Board member (represents Gaming, Immersive Technologies and ArtTech Sector)
Kęstutis Drazdauskas, Board member (represents Film Production)
Ramojus Petrauskas, Board member (represents Advertising Sector)
Justė Michailinaitė, Board member (represents Animation sector)
Algirdas Ramaška, Board member (represents Film Distribution sector)
Arnas Neverauskas, Independent Board Member

Cluster members

Baltic Film & Creative Tech Cluster has more than 50 core members with more than 80 companies that we work with on the day-to-day basis.
We are constantly looking to expand our network, so if you would like to join us, give us an email to office@film-creative.tech and we will share all the details with you.

More information

Statutes of Association
